Fisher Branch Collegiate
Fisher Branch Collegiate is a community school serving approximately 130 students in Grade 5-12. Our student population has a diverse mix of heritages and a great culture of respect for diversity. FBC has supportive parents and hardworking school staff who strive to ensure the success of all students in their care. We offer a full academic program as well as elective courses that we feel will benefit our students in the community.
We actively encourage students to explore career options and provide the opportunity for High School Apprenticeships as well as earning Credit for Employment and Volunteer Credits throughout the school year. More students are participating each year and learning valuable employment skills working outside of the school. Many of our graduates go on to enter the work force or attend a post-secondary program.
We are very fortunate to have students who believe in the importance of being active. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular sports – both intramural and competitive – from grade 5 -12. It is through the support of staff and community volunteers that we are able to maintain these programs throughout the year.
At Fisher Branch Collegiate we aim to provide our students with the skills they need to become successful members of their community in this ever-changing world.
Flexibility ~ Belonging ~ Creativity
“Preparing Students for an Ever-Changing World”